One of the primary contributors to cancer risk is linked to “genetic predisposition”. Individuals with inherited genetic mutations may be more susceptible to the disease. However, lifestyle choices often play a greater role in determining cancer risk. By making conscious choices regarding everyday products and habits can eliminate the genetic risks.
Prolonged stress, anger, and depression are other factors that weaken the immune system, potentially allowing cancerous cells to thrive. Practice meditation and yoga to improve mental health, lowering the risk associated with chronic stress and depression.
Exposure to pollutants, both atmospheric and domestic, poses a significant risk. Chemicals in cigarette smoke, air pollution, and household Aroducts damage cells over time. air fresheners and cleaning products leave fumes that are carcinogens. Throw away plastic bottles and food containers and eroded non-stick pans.
Cancer Prevention & Healthy Living
Natural and organic products – buy local and as organic as possible, especially in terms of cleaning supplies, personal care items, and household goods, is a proactive way to limit exposure to carcinogenic chemicals.
Avoid artificial sweeteners like saccharin have been linked to cancer, and natural sweeteners. Lack of physical activity negatively impacting immune function.
Maintain regular physical activity at least 30 minutes per day – helps maintain a healthy weight, and builds immunity.
Another critical factor is poor diet, filled with processed foods and artificial preservatives increases cancer risk. These processed foods often lack essential nutrients needed for cell repair and immune system function. Moreover, modern diets typically include large amounts of refined sugars, which promote inflammation – a known contributor to cancer development. Further food quality changes increased pesticides, antibiotics, hormones, raising cancer risk.