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by Amir Hussain Kamboh | Published Oct 1st, 2024


Human Rights
Violations That
Don’t Stop


On 7 October 2023, Hamas launched a surprise attack on Israel by hundreds of Rockets and killed 1200 Israel’s citizens. Hamas named this operation “Al-Aqsa Storm”. As a result, the world is witnessing the gruesome human rights violations by Isreal. The world has been a silent spectator since the historical rise and fall of Isreal- Palestine conflicts.

After Second World War, Jews migrated toward Palestine from across the globe. In beginning, Native Jews were three percent of total population of Palestine. But Jews population in Palestine was increased rapidly specially after Holocaust.

Due to increase in population of Jews in land of Palestine, human right violations have been commencing since that time. The declaration of Israel’s independence on May 21, 1948 was first instance of bloody battle and beginning of 1948 Arab-Israel war.

Many peace initiatives were taken, but unfortunately none was succeeded such as Camp David Accord, Oslo Accords and Camp David II and so on. After this war, many Arab-Israel wars took place including 1956, 1967, 1973, 1982 etc. But Arabs remain failed to resolve this dispute. In addition, post 9/11 wars such as five wars in Gaza 2008, 2012, 2014, 2021 and 2023 took place respectively.

By targeting innocent civilians in response to Hamas's actions, Israel's collective punishment of Gaza breaches international law.

The war between Hamas and Israel has escalated into a global concern due to its devastating impact on the world economy and widespread human rights violations, while the internal strife between Fatah and Hamas adds another layer of complexity as both groups engage in assaults and infringe upon each other's rights.

In 1993, a peace agreement (Oslo Accords) between Israel’s Prime Minister (Yitzchak) and leader of Palestine Liberation Organization Yasser Arafat was signed in Washington DC, after secret meeting in Oslo. Under this agreement, both Israel and PLO recognized each other occupation on state of Israel and West Bank and Gaza respectively. This agreement was signed for five years to prevent further human rights violations. At that time, it was believed that this was a step in right direction. But next 20 years revealed that Israel used these agreements to expand illegal settlements in occupied territories.

In 2000, President of USA Bill Clinton, Prime Minister of Israel’s Barack and Yasser Arafat met in a summit that was held to resolve issue of occupied territories.

Unfortunately meeting ended without any agreement which caused human rights violations in Gaza Strip. This meeting is known as Camp David meeting. Failure of this summit was result in riots and deaths of Palestinians from Israel as Israel used tear gas and rubber bullet on Palestinians. In 2005, both parties agreed to manage the conflict, so in 2007 Israel withdraws its forces from Gaza Strip and Hamas completely annexed Gaza. Hamas began rocket attacks on Israel, in response Israel blocked all food,medicine, oil supply to Gaza known as Gaza Blockade.

Operation “Cast lead” started by Israel against Hamas in December 2008, and it ended in January 2009. In this operation 1440 Palestinians died compared with 13 died on Israel side. In 2012 and 2014 further wars broke out in Gaza and human right violations boosted up, and world community has not been taking any proper step to sort the situation out. From 2012 to 2014, 174 Palestinians were killed and hundreds were injured. Situation remained same till 2020.

Al-Aqsa Storm of 2023 was followed by Israel’s launched missile on Gaza and commenced airstrikes by ignoring human rights and laws of war. Till now, more than 45000 Palestinians have been killed in Israel’s attacks including women and childre, including UN officials and press reporters. The people who are dying are not part of war they are innocent, but Israel is committed to give collective punishment of Hamas which is against international laws.

Israel disconnected supply of food, water, medicines, electricity and other essentials of life to Gaza. Due to Gaza blockade many people especially children are dying due to lack of food and clean water. Injured and ill people are dying due to lack of medicine and break down of electricity. This cruelty is happening continuously due to silence of international community.

Israel disconnected supply of food, water, medicines, electricity and other essentials of life to Gaza

Israel is not ready to stop this war just due to strong support of European countries and United States. United States have vetoed the resolution in the UN that was about to prevent the war. Similarly, United States vetoed the application of meeting of Security Council which was going held for discussion about devastation in Palestine.

While Palestinians suffer from hunger and lack of basic necessities, the United States supplies Israel with weapons and missiles, all while presenting itself as a humanitarian force by dropping food aid in Palestine. This contradictory policy exacerbates the conflict. Simultaneously, as negotiations brokered by Qatar take place in Cairo between Hamas and Israel, Israel continues its relentless airstrikes on Gaza.

In a nutshell, the human rights violations in Palestine have not escalated overnight; they are rooted in a long and complex history. Israel has long enjoyed the support of the United States, while Palestine was backed by Arab nations. However, the situation has shifted as Arab states increasingly pursue bilateral relations with Israel, leaving Palestinians in a more constrained position. Now, Palestinians must consider forming a social contract within Palestine and Israel to ensure peace and security. Meanwhile, international organizations, European countries, the OIC, and the U.S. must step in to uphold humanity and address the crisis at its core.

The writer can be reached at [email protected]

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